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FADM Eka Satari started his career in the Indonesian Navy in 1994 after he graduated from the Indonesian Naval Academy. He graduated from Royal College of Defence
Studies-London, UK in July 2019, then he appointed as Directing Staff in DSSC – Australian War College since January 2020 – December 2021. Before appointed as DIrector for Cooperation of Indonesian Coast Guard, he was the Ops Staff as SSO for Security and Borders Co-operations.

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VADM Dr. Irvansyah started his career in the Indonesian Navy in 1990 after he graduated from the Indonesian Naval Academy. Further, he was also a graduate of Indonesia’s School of Navy Command and Staff. He was firstly placed in Navy Education Command as a Commissioned Officer. He was then assumed the duty as Chief of Indonesian Coast Guard since August 2023.

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Dr Curie Maharani is currently a lecturer for the streaming of Security Studies at Binus University and the Executive Director of the Indo-Pacific Strategic Intelligence (ISI Indonesia), a newly founded think tank with a focus on foreign policy and defence issues. She received her PhD in Defence and Security from Cranfield University in 2016. Previously, she received cum laude in her master’s study at Institut Teknologi Bandung, majoring in Defence Management, in 2017, and her bachelor’s degree at Universitas Indonesia, majoring in International Relations, in 2002. Prior to joining Binus, Curie had worked with the National Committee for Economy and Industry (KEIN), the Ministry of Defence of the Republic of Indonesia, National Development Planning Agency (Bappenas), as well as S. Rajaratnam School of International Studies. She is an observer of defence procurement and industrial policy (offset), defence diplomacy, and maritime security issues. She was part of the Southeast Asian Young Leaders’ Program at the Shangri-La Dialogue in 2017 and 2018. She has published in journals such as Defence and Peace Economics, Contemporary Southeast Asia, Political Geography, and Marine Policy.

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Dr. Arsana is the Head of Master of Geomatics Engineering at the Department of Geodetic Engineering, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Indonesia. He has been focusing his research on geospatial aspects of the law of the sea, particularly maritime boundary delimitation. He is an expert member of the technical team of the Indonesian Delegate on Maritime Boundary Delimitation with neighboring countries. His last assignment was as a panelist of the Indonesian Presidential Candidate Debate of 2024.

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Yohanes Sulaiman is an associate professor in international relations at Universitas Jenderal Achmad Yani (UNJANI), Indonesia and a non-resident fellow at the National Bureau of Asian Research, Seattle, WA. He holds Ph.D. in Political Science from the Ohio State University. His research interest is in foreign policy, security, diplomatic history, and strategic culture in East/Southeast Asia.

His latest publication is “A Traumatic Relationship: The United States and Indonesia-Russian Relationship,” published in the Journal of Asian Security and International Affairs, Vol. 11, Issue 2, June 10, 2024.

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Frega Wenas Inkiriwang is an Associate Professor at the Republic of Indonesia Defense University and the Indonesian Army Command and General Staff College. He holds a PhD in International Relations from the London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE). He has earned his Fellow of Higher Education Academy (FHEA) from the UK Higher Education Academy. He has also published numerous books and articles in peer-reviewed journals.

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